Your comments

I'm so sorry to hear this! Can you tell me more about what is happening? What error are you getting? Can you send a screen shot? 

I'll get this resolved! I promise!


Yes...this was something I've been working on for awhile. I released an update last week that should fix this. Please download it and let me know if you still have any problems.



We looked into this some more and BELIEVE it's resolved. A new update is on the App Store. Please download it and let me know if the issue still exists. Thanks so much for your patience!

Carla it's just the duplicate...I wanted to make sure. This got resolved but there's a little tweak I still need to release. Coming this week!!


Thanks for your feedback. What are the other bugs? Is there just the one...repeating lines? Or are there others? Please let me know so I can resolve them.


Hi Alex,

What a joy to read your message...and such a great idea. I wish I had my "buddies" feature ready for this. It's' something I'm working on.

You can gift the Gratitude App through the app store. I'm not sure if you can purchase 20's some steps to gift one copy...

Let me know if you still need help with this, ok?

Thanks for sharing the gift of Gratitude!!


I'm sorry to hear this. Can you give me more details? Did you sign out and are unable to sign back in again? Is it hanging? Have you tried shutting it down completely and reopening?

Yes, that's an issue...and PDF export was suppose to be replaced with something more robust...but until I get that done, I'll change the existing layout. Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm actually trying to raise Angel investing for a new iPhone & Android's close but TONS of dream will happen..I know it!

Thanks for letting me know. Just to confirm, are you using the latest version of Gratitude?
